Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday 5 @ 5

It's been a while since I've done a Friday 5 @ 5 post, and since this is my first post of year, I was hoping to make it a good one. I've decided to go with my five favorite things about the month of February.

Drum roll, please! 

1. There are 4 perfectly intact weeks! 
Ok, so I know this doesn't apply EVERY February, but it applies for this one. I'm a little OCD in that it bugs me to have just ONE day of a week in a month, and with February being such a short month, I only have to use four of those five rows on my dry erase calendar. They are also nice and even and it makes my heart smile a little inside.

(*cough* I'm a weirdo. *cough*)

2. Mardi Gras!
As a girl who was born and raised in Louisiana, working on Mardi Gras day hurts my soul! Since moving away, I have a hard time coping with the fact that I actually have to leave my house on Mardi Gras for something other than a parade.

(*cough* Weirdos don't celebrate Mardi Gras *cough*)

3. Baseball is back!
February is the start of college baseball, and the beginning of spring workouts for the MLB teams. Baseball is my favorite sport, and even though I enjoy hockey season, sometimes I begin to miss listening to baseball games on the radio during the day at work.

4. Valentine's Day!
I've always loved Valentine's Day. I've always loved Valentine's Day more single than I have in a relationship. I like having my date night with myself that always includes pizza, brownies, and beverages. This year I get to spend it with kiddo (after work, of course), and I'm excited about having pizza and trying out a new brownie recipe with her. 

5. Great American Pizza Bake Week!
Could February be any more catered to me this month? The second week in February is the Great American Pizza Bake Week (Um, Valentine's Day is TOTALLY part of this too!) and I will probably eat my weight in pizza and need to double up on workouts, but that's ok because it's for a good cause!

What are some things that you like about February that didn't make the list? 

1 comment:

  1. Great list! February is a nice month. Here in the dry dessert climate it means hotter temperatures however still bearable. We can enjoy visiting the beach during the late afternoons with our little guys. They love it!
    Stopping over from the Bloggy Moms link up. Enjoy your weekend!
