Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Book Written by Someone Under 30

I've been waiting to read this book for a long time. I've seen it all over multiple lists of "Books You Should Read (insert most things here)" all through 2014.

Since I'm opposed to paying over $3 for a digital copy of a book, buying it for my Kindle was out of the question.

I figured if it was as popular as the internet led me to believe, then my library would have it. No such luck.

At Christmas, my brother gave me an Amazon gift card. Before we could finish unwrapping presents, my purchase was made.

While the author may be over 30 now, at the time she wrote the experiences in this book, she was under 30, so I'm counting it. 

I was excited to read this book. A woman writing about all of the girl dates that she goes on in search of a new friend? There have to be some KILLER stories, right? Only kinda right. The book was briefly focused on most of the dates, but largely focused on the research she had done regarding the friending process and the transformation that occurred in her own self on the journey of the year of friend dates. 

The book wasn't what I was expecting based on what I had read and what friends had told me. I think my friends lured me in with the part they thought I would jump on, "This girl totally wrote a book about the friend dates she went on for an entire year!" and "OMG, this book made me realize that you're totally a connector!" (I'm a what? Is that good or bad? I should read the book! Hint: it's a good thing.)

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book. I will definitely be recommending it to people. But it was like expecting a Digorno's Stuffed Crust , and realizing you only bought a Digorno's Rising Crust. It's still good, just not the good I was expecting. 

B Rating:     

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