Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Book Based Entirely On It's Cover

I've been in a bit of a book rut lately. Every book that I start hasn't held my interest and I was beginning to wonder if I would even fund another book this month to begin, much less finish. I was scrolling through my Kindle and decided that I would pick the first book that drew me in by the cover.

I wasn't disappointed.

At first, I didn't think I would really get into this book, so it sat untouched on my Kindle for almost a week. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down and finished it in two days.

Claire is given a tempting offer for a struggling artist who has become the pariah of the art world. A one-woman show in exchange for forging one of the paintings stolen in one of the most famous art heists to date.

However, when the original arrives, Claire is convinced that it isn't the original at all. As someone who makes a living doing reproductions, her initial reaction is that this is a fake. She does everything she can to convince herself that it is the original, but the more she digs, the more convinced she is that it is a fake.

The novel weaves multiple back stories into the narrative, and they help give a better picture of how Claire got into this position. It also helps lead to clues on where the real original of the painting is located.

B Star Rating:     

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