Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Being Thoughtful Sucks

Warning, Begin Rant...

Sometimes, being thoughtful really sucks.

I've been told before that I'm sometimes TOO thoughtful. I'm all about doing little things for people to make them feel special. Random acts of kindness? That's totally my wheelhouse!

But sometimes, when you're a thoughtful person, it makes you realize that some people just aren't. That's when being thoughtful sucks.

Don't get me wrong, I don't make offers and do things for other people because I expect reciprocity.

But sometimes reciprocity would be appreciated.

Hell, sometimes just being acknowledged would be appreciated.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining, and I try not to have it come off that way. It's just sometimes I begin to think that being thoughtful isn't worth it. That people wouldn't notice if I stopped doing these little things, like offer to pick up a happy hour beverage for someone that I know also has a weak spot for Sonic, or leave a good luck note when their team goes on a road trip, or offering to pick up breakfast when they'll be at the office early. My parents are extremely thoughtful people, so I was raised to be this way.

However, sometimes it sucks.

I try not to take it personally when there are moments that I feel like others will take the plunge and pull a me and offer some small gesture of good will and friendship, but it's tough. I know that people aren't intentionally doing it, but it makes the small gestures I offer seem as if they are taken for granted. When I don't do what I normally would do for someone, it tends to get a "you didn't offer to (insert normal gesture here)! Why didn't you?"

It sucks.

I could go for some brownies and icecream right about now.

End Rant...

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