Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Weekly B

We'll start this edition of the Weekly B with an update on my goals for last week. I know some people think that I keep my weekly goal list small to help achieve my success, but I can assure you that is not the case! In this season of my life, I know how much free time I have (which is not much), and I know that I want to devote as much of that to kiddo as I can.

Without further ado, here is how I did last week:


- Complete Blogilates Beginners Week 1 
I might be a little bit crazy, but I feel like my stomach muscles have started to suck themselves in and my back has started to instinctively straighten itself out. While it was frustrating to see that I gained a half a pound on the scale, it was exciting to see that I lost at least 1 inch off of all my measurements! 

- Select and begin reading a new book 
Not only did I select and begin reading my next book, A Plain Man, I was able to finish that one. My next selection was #GIRLBOSS, which I also finished reading. (Don't ask how, but I was on fire with reading this week.) 

- Cook one new meal 
I tried. According to my mom, what I was thinking was uncooked brownie batter, was all the fudgy parts of the batter in one portion of the dessert. So I didn't fail! Plus my banana pancakes tasted fabulous, despite looking like I dug them out of a dumpster. 

- Post three blog posts 
I was able to complete three blog posts this past week! I've started to get a better idea of the feel I want this blog to have, and I think that's helped me out when working on ideas for posts. I have many drafts (MANY! If I don't jot down the ideas I have when I have them, I'll forget them.) 

Since last week went so well, let's try making some goals for next week: 


- Complete Blogilates Beginners Week 2
(This could be a challenge with games/events 4 of 7 nights next week)

- Begin reading Girl in Hyacinth Blue

- Cook one new meal 

- Post three blog posts

- No cell time when hanging with kiddo after work this week

- Purchase Operation Christmas Child items for the month
(I still receive emails from a church that I visited before joining my own, and I noticed last year that every month they would ask people to purchase 1-2 items for Operation Christmas Child. I thought this was brilliant since it's easier on the budget to grab a few items each month. This year, I vowed to follow their purchasing guide so we might be able to help more children this year.)

Have a great week, y'all! 

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