Friday, January 16, 2015

A Nonfiction Book

If someone would have told me that I would end up so in love with a book from the library that I would want to run out and buy a copy for myself, I would have laughed at you. Maybe not laughed at you when you said I would love a book so much I would want it for myself, but maybe when you told me what the first library find I wish I owned was. 

I passed by this book a few times, and something kept drawing me back to it. I read the inside flaps and after much debate finally decided to just bring it home. If I read it, great. If I didn't read it, no harm done. 

Many people may not consider this book a quality professional development read, but I think that it is. 

I finished this book in four days. FOUR DAYS! I would read a chapter with my breakfast, a chapter with my lunch, a chapter during my afternoon break or a chapter before bed. Before I knew it, I was finished and to be honest, I'm a little sad that I have to bring it back to the library. 

#GIRLBOSS discusses the rise of Nasty Gal, which is a webiste I've never felt cool enough to shop from, but that's probably because I'm still slowly discovering my inner #GIRLBOSS. You can see a few of the little blue posty tabs sticking out of the book in that shot above. There are TONS of those! 

Sophia Amoruso gives amazing advice. Her advice isn't amazing just to those who want to work in the fashion industry. No, her advice is amazing for anyone (male or female) who has a pulse. 

"When you hold yourself to the same standard in your work that you do as a friend, girlfriend, student, or otherwise, it pays off." 

That is the line from the book that has stuck with me. It's so easy to feel like you have to give just enough at your job to keep it. But what are the limits if you hold yourself accountable to being as awesome as you possibly can? Who knows where that can take you? 

New life goal - to be as awesome as possible, no matter what I'm doing. Whether it's on a "lazy" day in the office, a stressful game day, or at home with kiddo, my goal is to be awesome. My goal is to strive for #GIRLBOSS status, one day at a time. 

B Star Rating         

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