Monday, January 12, 2015

Guilty Pleasure of the Moment

With some of the guilty pleasures that are taking up space on my musical playlist rotations, what I'm about to reveal to you comes as a shock to most people. 

I'm not a Taylor Swift fan. 

I've never really gotten into her stuff. Sure, I spent lots of time focusing on that one video because it had the dude from Laguna Beach it in, but for the most part, I'm not a fan of her music. 

However, all of my friends who have amazing taste in music have been telling me that her latest album is pretty awesome. They recommend I should give it a listen ... after taking some digs on my love of One Direction. (I never said they had PERFECT taste in music.) 

While I haven't listened to too much of the album, ok, so I've only listened to two songs. It's hard NOT to have heard "Shake It Off" at this point. It's cute, it's catchy, annoyingly catchy, but has a good message that all of us can get behind. I saw her video for Blank Space, and I have to say, I'm digging it. I'm not sure if I'm digging the song so much, or the song and the video together, but I at least dig this video. 



Then YouTube did the most awesome thing it could have ever done!

It recommended my latest guilty pleasure of the moment.

While T-Swift may have done an amazing job on her video, the parody of the song by What's Up Moms truly reflects how us moms feel. (Mad props to any SAHMs out there!)

As a single mom who works a crazy schedule, I have to give mad props to Momma B, who I know sometimes gets this feeling. (Only she's more Dr Pepper than any sort of coffee.)


Here is my official guilty pleasure of the moment. Seriously, I can't stop watching and laughing. Then I remember my boss wants me to take time off and "enjoy life at home" with my kiddo for a few days.

Maybe he'll give me a Starbucks gift card to help me out?

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