Sunday, January 11, 2015

More Than The Numbers

I was watching the clips from the fitness segments on Kelly & Michael from this past week. I started watching mainly to see Chalene Johnson's segment (love her!), but ended up watching the rest of them while I was on the site.

There is something that Jesse Pavelka said that really stuck to me. His advice for anyone who sets a resolution to lose weight, is to not focus on the numbers. "Don't focus on the numbers, focus on how you feel." He goes on to say that you can't always lose weight, but you can always feel good after a workout. He and Kelly then suggest tossing out your scales because they'll only hold you back by putting too much pressure on yourself.

These pictures have been popping up all over my Pinterest lately, and it's so true.

I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which makes it difficult for me to lose weight.

Back when I was a college athlete, I was working out at least once a day ON TOP OF practice. Once I stopped playing, I still worked out twice a day. When I moved out on my own, I was obsessed with portions and working out. Then somewhere along the way, I stopped.

I ended up gaining 100 pounds before I knew what had really happened. I got back on regular exercise and portion control and managed to lose 70 pounds before I got pregnant. I gained that weight back, and have now lost 50 of the pounds I gained when I had a baby.

This is the reason that I said while I want to get under 200 pounds this year, I'd be happy to just have the mindset of someone under 200 pounds.

Example, I was proud of myself for my workout accomplishments last week. I felt as if my core muscles were tighter, and I was proud of myself for making the time to complete all of the workouts. I found that I was sleeping better, and I was even waking up well before my alarm (like an hour!) and was motivated to use that time to get in at least one of the workouts for the day.

However, when I stepped on the scale this morning to see the fruits of my labor, I was extremely disappointed to see that I had gained half a pound.

Yes, 1/2 of a pound.

And while it wasn't much, I could feel myself tearing up. I felt like I had put the work into the first week and had already failed.

But then I took my measurements. I've taken an inch off my chest and waist, and have taken an inch and a half off my hips. Those small tears turned into tears of happiness.

It truly hit home that as proud as I was of myself, I was willing to let the number on the scale make me feel horrible. And why should it? I worked my ass off. I felt stronger. I felt good. I felt proud of completing a week of something that isn't my strong suit. I know it won't always be perfect, but my new goal is to not let the number on the scale reflect how I feel about the week I had and the effort I put into it ever again.

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