Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How The Sisterhood Encouraged Me To Get My God Groove Back

I didn't think that I would get into The Sisterhood. The concept was intriguing to me. A reality show following around wannabe nuns? How could the concept not be intriguing? 

I thought I would only watch one episode before I gave up, but I stuck through all 6 episodes. (Maybe because it was short enough to hold my attention?) 

There were a few things that stood out to me about the show. One was that some of the girls seemed surprised that they would have to give up their phones and makeup while in the convents. (I'm not Catholic, but I could have guessed that one.) One was how Claire was edited to remind me of all of the uber-Baptist that I went to college with. (I have the intellectual relationship with God, and if you don't then you can't be on my level attitude.) But there was one thing that stood out to me more than anything. 

The main thing that stood out to me over the course of the show was Christie's sincere faith. She may have come off a little out there from the editing, but I fell in love with her early on. She may not have worshiped in the way that some people felt she should have, and some cast members made comments about it that upset me more than I thought they would. 

Her sincere faith made me realize that I wanted what she had. I want a faith as strong and sincere as hers. I want to go beyond the intellectual faith, and develop that sincerity in my beliefs. 

In a way, this show has given me a goal to commit to more than just the hours at church during the week. I've been slack on my own devotional time, but this year, I will make more of an effort to study the scriptures on my own. I think it's no coincidence that the devotions I've found to start this year after watching this hit hard on your relationship with God v. your religion. 

 Here's to a closer relationship with God in 2015. 

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