I woke up feeling like I needed to do more next year. I needed to make more of an effort. Kiddo woke up and when her face lit up at seeing the decorations, it helped me put things in perspective. When she asked to help me finish the door, and I praised her placing of the railroad crossing signs, her smile only got wider. That's when I realized that she didn't care how much or how little we were having for her party. All she cared about was that all of her favorite people were going to be at our apartment. She didn't care how little food we had, it was two of her favorite things, and that's all that mattered. That was enough for her. It was enough for her that Mommy cared enough to make a small effort.
I teared up and gave her a huge hug. I told her that Mommy was going to try to be more like her. I need to focus more on the heart and the intent of the person performing an action than the action itself. It should be enough for me that someone cares to make an effort to make me happy, even if the gesture is a small one. I need to stop expecting things from people and just accept and appreciate what they offer me. I've always told people that I think God gave me a child to teach me how to live life. This is another example that proves my belief.
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