Monday, October 13, 2014

Music Monday - Where We Are Film

Last night, my bestie and I went to see the One Direction concert movie. Yes, we are both in our 30s. Yes, we did actually go see this same concert in Houston in August. Some people may say that we're crazy, but we don't care. We enjoy One Direction, and we also enjoy the people watching that goes along with anything One Direction related.

My bestie follows the fandom on Tumblr and many of them were not happy about how the film turned out at. Maybe it's because we're older and have seen many concert DVDs, but we were ok with the large amount of crowd shots. In fact, we enjoyed them. Also, knowing the 4 songs that were cut out of the movie possibly led to less disappointment. (Why you gotta cut out my favs, Ben, huh?!)

Here are some highlights from our WWA Film experience:

- We were shushed by a teenager. SHUSHED AT A MOVIE OF A CONCERT! Being the mature adult that I am, I responded with "Spoiler alert! When you are at a concert, people around you are also talking. Enjoy the concert experience."

- Ben Winston must love me because he gave me LOTS of Louis. (I <3 Louis!) It may have been awkward for my boyfriend when I kept texting him about how much Louis they were giving me to satisfy my desires.

- During the brief interview portion, Louis and Niall admitted they were the worst celebrities because they eat during awards shows. The specifically mentioned chowing down on hot dogs during a Justin Timberlake performance at the VMAs. (Louis is my soulmate! Call me, Louis! I will eat ALL the hot dogs, or nachos.)

- Someone in the audience had a sign that said, "I love you more than pizza." Blasphemy! How can anyone love something more than pizza?

- We both thought that Zayn appeared to be phoning it in during the Houston concert. We thought it was something to do with Houston specifically, but it appears that is just his look over all. That made both of us feel a little bit better. Bestie feels it's because if he shows a little emotion, he may not be able to stop the emotion. 

- When Liam told the Italians that they were "the loudest crowd", the teens in our theater got very upset and began yelling, "That's what you said in Houston, liar!" I forgot what it was like to be a teenager and believe everything that your idols tell you. When did I get so jaded and stopped believing everything people told me was true? 

- What Makes You Beautiful comes on, and who gets the claps started? This girl! I'm such a leader. 

- Watching the kids arrive and leave the concert made us think about Tumblr before the Houston concert and all the kids posting pictures and telling people to come find them. You saw the excitement of them meeting friends from the internet for the first time, the joy they experienced together during the concert, and then the all time low of having to leave their friends and that whole experience at the same time. 

- I also have to give mad props to the dad who brought his daughter to the movie. You are one brave man who obviously loves your daughter. 

- "OMG! My live is over!" Uttered by the same child who shushed us earlier. I wanted to tell her that she could pre-order the concert DVD and have it when she came out next month. (Don't think that Bestie and I won't also own this DVD...we will.)

Bestie and I enjoyed the movie. Maybe it's because we went in with low expectations. The only expectations that we had going into the movie and singing our hearts out. 

While 99% of the concert was scripted, I doubt that that any of the NASA references were used at any other concerts. So don't fret, WWAHouston kids, at least we have those memories to ourselves. 

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