Friday, April 18, 2014

Reality TV Lessons

I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were joking about how much I watch reality TV, the variety of shows that I watch, and for how long this "obsession" has been going on. She told me that it's crazy that I can offer advice for most situations based off of something I've seen on a reality TV show. I said, "Because reality TV has taught me so much about myself!"

I've had similar conversations with multiple people and they all laugh when I say reality TV has taught me about myself. They just can't comprehend that "stupid" or "mindless" shows can actually make me see things about myself that I haven't noticed. "You have a Master's degree! You're too smart for that!" There are many different vehicles that can be used to show us insights into ourselves and our personalities that we can't see on our own: songs, books, quotes, movies, etc. Mine happens to be reality TV, and I think it's because of the edited overexageration of the personalities that helps me make the connection to the muted reality in my own life.

After rattling off a few shows (by "a few" I mean "many...many....") and what I've taken away from them, my friend told me that if I wrote a book about what reality TV has taught me about myself, she would check it out from the library. (Not pay for it, but she'd at least read it.) I told her I didn't think it was really "book worthy", so she told me to take it to the blog because she was curious to see some of what I told her last night explained in more detail. So, over the next few weeks, months, however long it takes, I will be offering some snippets into what I've learned about myself from reality TV. This could get interesting.

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