Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thank You, Juan Pablo

I didn't realize until this season of The Bachelor that there were people who still watched the show for the fairy tale ending. Yesterday, a co-worker told me that she didn't realize it wasn't real until after Brad Womack didn't elect to enter into a relationship with either finalist on his first go round. (Side note: I greatly admired him for not picking anyone. I lost all respect for him when he came back. Coming back meant he HAD to propose. Why, Brad, why?!) It was obvious to be from the beginning that it's more about the entertainment than it is about reality. All reality television is that way.

Please tell me that I'm not the only person who watches for the train wrecks that make their way on to the show! Judging from the internet, most people felt this was the worst season of The Bachelor ever. If by "worst" they mean "most awesome" then I agree 100%.

Juan Pablo did an amazing job at offering quality reality television in the form of massive train wrecks, and while that plays a part into why I feel this was the most awesome season of The Bachelor ever, I think real reason it was awesome is because Juan Pablo took away the fairy tale that viewers have come to expect. Not only did he take the fairy tale away, he threw it off a pedestrian bridge and watched an 18 wheeler run over it. Then he had the same 18 wheeler back over it, and then run over it again. Juan Pablo gave us reality, and the reactions that I've seen prove that most viewers don't want that in their reality programming.

For bringing us reality, I want to thank Juan Pablo. Even though many are dubbing him the "worst bachelor ever", I feel he taught us some valuable lessons this season.

Lesson 1: Some women are willing to change anything about themselves to land a "hot" guy. "I wish I were more dumb" should NEVER come out of a woman's mouth in regards to the ability of finding compatibility with a man. Why would anyone want to be dumber just to feel more mentally compatible with someone? Shouldn't we all be looking for someone who makes us strive to be better in areas where we are weak? If anything, this season reinforced to me that I need to make sure my daughter is confident and happy enough with herself, that she won't feel she needs a man's approval. (The Pussycat Dolls were right! I don't need a man!)

Lesson 2: Specifically speaking, slut-shaming someone is never ok. Generally speaking, emotional abuse is never ok. Juan Pablo slut-shamed Clare multiple times during the season, and she put up with it. She was desperate enough for love, that she put up with the emotional abuse. He was an active, and willing, participant in the shenanigans, but after the fact turned the tables on her in a "how could you do that" accusatory tone. THEN on the finale, he implies that he doesn't really know her but enjoys the extracurriculars? Even after that, she was still hoping that he would propose to her? Clare, you deserve better than the crumbs of someone's love! (as Dr. Jenn from Couples Therapy would say) When she finally told Juan Pablo off (after he was like, peace out, slut), his response was that he was glad he didn't pick her. America was upset with that, but as someone who has been where Clare was, that's the general reaction you get when you stand up to someone who has emotionally abused you. It's never their fault, you just don't understand. Juan Pablo helped remind America that emotional abuse is never ok.

Lesson 3: Some guys are selfish assholes. I don't think this needs any more explanation.

Lesson 4: But the most important lesson that this season of The Bachelor taught us, was that it's ok for a woman to stand up for herself in a relationship. America loved with Andi finally got fed up with Juan Pablo's selfishness, and told him off. Hell, I think most of America heard angels singing during the Women Tell All episode, which was really just a Juan Pablo bashing session on a larger scale. If there are THAT many women who feel you are an ass, maybe it IS you.

So, thank you, Juan Pablo, for reminding women everywhere that some men are just selfish assholes, and it is a-ok to stand up and let them know it as you walk out the door to something (or someone) better.

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