Thursday, March 27, 2014

Journey to Fitness...Kiddo Edition

Like many women, I say every year that I want to drop a few pounds. I'm happy with myself, so I'm not overly concerned about it. I guess the best way to put it is that I want to get back to exercising on a regular-ish basis, and not indulge in all the fried goodness the world has to offer. (Doing anything on a regular basis while being the single mom to a toddler and working in college athletics is challenging, so I always aim for regular-ish.) (Also, I will be indulging in massive amounts of fried goodness at the fair tonight. I'm a moth to a flame!) I was a college athlete, and when I don't have a set workout routine it tends to leave me frustrated. Since my schedule is starting to wind down work-wise, I figured now was the time to really get focused on sticking to a schedule.

I started the Blogilates beginners calendar last week. I went with the beginners calendar because it was some more intro to Pilates videos, and since I'm not very good at it, I felt this was the place to start. Plus, there are less videos on each day compared to the regular calendar, so it fits better with my schedule. I've stuck with it for almost 2 weeks now, and while the scale says that I've gained weight, I can tell that I've lost inches. (which is more what I'm really looking for anyway) My clothes fit better, and there is a slight hint at some abs wanting to form. (New goal - have the start of a two-pack by the end of the 4 weeks!) So far I've gotten a reminder at just how not flexible I am (flexibility is overrated!), a reminder of how tight my hamstrings are (my trainers used to always laugh about that), and possibly pulled a muscle in my butt. (Can you do that?) This morning I even tried her 2 ingredient "pancake" recipe and it wasn't half bad.

I swear it taste better than it looks! 

Last night, I got some weight loss help from kiddo. She knows that she's not allowed out of her high chair until someone is finished eating. She kept asking to get out of her chair last night, and I kept reminding her that she had to wait until someone was finished. (This is a daily conversation/semi-discussion.) My mom finished eating, and let her out. Kiddo came and stood next to me and then this exchange happened: 

K: "You want to go watch Zoe?"
M: "I do, but I want to finish eating dinner first." 
K: "Want to go watch Zoe NOW?"
M: "When Mommy finishes eating."
K: "Want me to put your plate up?"
M: "When Mommy finishes eating."
Kiddo them proceeds to put her face almost in my plate while this conversation loops back around. 

I did finish my dinner, and we went to watch Zoe on my laptop in my bedroom. I tried to look at it more was kiddo's way of helping me eat less. It's sometimes hard to do that when this happens almost as soon as I sit down to eat, but it did provide me with a good story. She likes to dance with her Zoe game, and my awesome (horrible) dance moves are always requested, so I also get a small workout in too. Kiddo is growing into my accountability partner/personal trainer. I better stick to her plan before she starts shaming me in public.


My friend posted this on Facebook and it cracked me up, so I wanted to offer an "Amen!" and share:

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