Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sunday Reality TV Thoughts

I look forward to my reality TV Sundays. It's the only day that I can consistently watch the shows when they actually air, and since I don't have DVR, it's sometimes difficult to catch the shows that I've missed. Or if I'm being honest, sometimes I actually forget to go find the episodes I missed to watch. (Shhh...don't tell too many of my friends that! They might be surprised to learn that I'm NOT really addicted!) I won't recap the episodes of Long Island Medium and My Five Wives for you, but there is something from each episode that stuck with me that I'm going to touch on. 

Long Island Medium
Long Island Medium showed us the mind of an Italian momma. I've heard that you can't fully understand an Italian family (much like you can't understand a Jewish family, Cajun family, etc) unless you grew up in one. Theresa making her son's lunch brought me back to my own family. Yes, I'm an adult. Yes, my parents occasionally live with me. (We have a unique situation that I may discuss in more detail on a later post.) Yes, my mom will ask me if I want her to package our leftovers from dinner for my lunch. Unlike Theresa, I'm on my own for breakfast though. Italians > Cajuns. The part of the episode that really hit home for me was when she was waiting for her son to get home from work to eat dinner, and then lectured him on being home in time for family dinner. 

It was as if Theresa showed me my future in that moment! I can see myself becoming an Italian momma and giving kiddo the whole "If you live under my roof, then you need to be home for family dinner! I don't care if your coworkers want to go to Happy Hour! It's a worknight! You need to be in bed by 10!" I saw my life with my adult child played out on national television, and I have accepted it! 

My Five Wives
My five wives broached some very personal topics this week: birth control, pregnancy, and adoption talks in a polygamist family. Robyn wants to adopt, and is trying to get more information on the process. We're ten shown other wives talking about how they would like to be pregnant again, but when they bring it up to Brady, he's not really on board with the idea. I couldn't gauge from the episode if Brady was down with the adoption idea completely, or if he wanted to have all of the information before making a final decision on it. Rosemary mentions that she would be jealous if Brady said yes to adoption after telling her he was too overwhelmed when she brought up having another child with him. Nonnie has turned the safe talks Brady wanted back around on him about having another child. I completely understand where all of these women are with this. If they wanted to have another child, were told no, and then another wife is being allowed to adopt, it does seem a little unfair.

The most cringeworthy Brady moment came when the interviewer asked if they could discuss birth control. Brady pipes up, "Sure!" I immediately cringed because birth control is a very personal issue to some women, and it became know almost immediately that it was a personal issue for his wives. In their faith (that they left), birth control was frowned upon. Many of them have not discussed whether or not they are on birth control with their own families for that reason. Brady continues on about how in this society it's not as if anyone would be shocked or expect them to be abstaining. 

I guess what Brady wasn't thinking about is that it doesn't matter what society thinks. To his wives, it matters what their families think. They've already abandoned the faith of some of their families, and it would seem to add insult to injury to openly admit to their family specific things they have abandoned that they were raised to believe. I think the thing anyone can take away from this, is that if it's an issue involving a woman and her reproductive system, no matter what the issue is, it's best for the man to just let the woman speak on the subject if she wants. 

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