Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hoarder Turned Crafter

I don't know why, but before my massive cleaning of my apartment, it appeared that I had been hoarding toilet paper rolls. I'm sure that I was hoarding them with the intent of actually using them for something fun, crafty and Christmas-y, but my grand plans of scouring Pinterest for the latest awesome toilet paper roll craft never panned out. So I was left with more toilet paper rolls than any person should ever have on their bathroom counter. I then turned to Pinterest and shamefully typed in "toilet paper rolls" to the box asking me what I am interested in. It took me a while to find anything that I felt was worth my toilet paper rolls. At this point, I wasn't going to waste them on just any old generic craft. No! They were destined for something awesome. Then I found these toilet paper roll cars: 

Toilet paper tube cars

THIS is the greatness that my toilet paper rolls were made for! This is the most awesome craft ever! I run to my bathroom and grab my toilet paper rolls. On the way out of my bedroom, I grab my paint. This is going to be the BEST DAY EVER! I pull up the blog that this amazing craft glory is on and realize it is in Hungarian. Do I hit the translate button? NO! Translating is for wusses! I'm going to just follow the pictures and it'll work out fine, right? Right? 

I become determined that I can make these, until I really get into making them. I realize that I don't have the brackets to have working wheels. No problem, my daughter is 2 and we have imagination! (I'm clearly not willing to spend any money on these.) After a few weeks of starting to work on them and then coming back to them, I ended up with 6 "awesome" race cars: 

They may not be near as awesome as the ones in the original picture, but I'm proud of them. Also, check out my killer fleur de lis on the black car! Considering that I have no real artistic ability, I think it turned out quite awesome. 

Now, to scour Pinterst to see how I can use all of these coffee cans I seem to be hoarding. Hmm... 

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