Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Last night was the first time in a long time that I have spent New Year's Eve with someone. The boy came over and we watched the Chick-fil-a Bowl (he's an Aggie) and then flipped between multiple New Year's Eve celebrations that were on tv in order to keep ourselves awake until midnight. As I tweeted last night, "Had I gone to bed at 10, it would have been accepting defeat. At this point it would be giving up. I may be old, but I won't give up."  I tweeted that with about 10 minutes to go last night. As soon as midnight hit, both of us were ready for bed. It was a low-key NYE, which is just how I like it.

Today will be an equally low-key New Year's Day. The Outback Bowl is on (Geaux Tigers!), I have some appetizers going in the kitchen, a pizza will be ordered later, and the day will pretty much be spent at home watching bowl games. Kiddo is at my folks for the rest of the week, so I have some time to focus on some of my New Year's Resolutions. I tweeted out the main resolutions yesterday, "2014 resolutions: accept things I can't change, stop trying so hard to make things change, finish the Game of Thrones books, at least book 2". I  have been attempting to read the Game of Thrones books since my brother loaned them to me last year, and have not been able to get into the second book. It's mainly because the characters piss me off and I put it down out of frustration. I do want to do a better job of accepting things that I can't change, and not letting the fact that I can't change them frustrate me. I also want to try to get better about trying so hard to change things that I can't change. With those serious resolutions out of the way, let's get to some less serious, but still serious ones:

1. Get my shit together. I turned 30 this past year, and realize that I need to get my shit together. This year, I plan to focus more on menu planning, and sticking to the list I go into the grocery store with. I plan to coupon, and work the sales to my advantage to save money. I also plan to make more of an effort to keep our small apartment clean. That is what these few days without kiddo are going to entail, attempting to put a huge dent in that, so it's more maintenance at that point. I'm sure I will be adding ideas to this as the year goes on.

2. Do a better job of staying in touch with people. Whether that's by phone calls, e-mails, social media, etc., I want to make a better effort of staying in touch with my friends and family now that many of us live in different states.

Now for the standing resolutions:

3. Read one book a month.
4. Donate to charity each month.
5. That whole workout more business that everyone has.
6. Put at least $500 in savings.

Here's to wishing all of you a great 2014, and much luck on sticking to your resolutions! I've got a game to watch. #geauxtigers #teambloominonion

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