Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Three Things for 3


Happy 3rd birthday, puddin. I know it seems like these past 3 years have been an eternity to you, but to me they have flown by. I know you have an extremely busy life, but I wanted to offer you three things that I wish for you in this upcoming year. 

(1) The desire to potty train. I know it seems like it's going to be an inconvenience to you, but I promise that learning to use the potty will be worth it. It's a right of passage that we all must go through. I know that right now it seems like it will take away from all of the fun in life. Who wants to have to leave the pool to go potty? Who wants to stop listening to their music in the chair to go potty? Who wants to stop eating to go potty? While I understand your desire to lead a potty training rebellion, I promise that one day you will appreciate the independence that going to the potty provides, such as a safe place to hide out from Mommy when you need to be alone or not needing Mommy to follow you into the bathroom to help change a pull up when cute boys are around. Whatever your motivation (or bribe), I hope that this year you at least show an interest in the potty.

(2) Always be an individual. As I spent last night decorating the apartment with Thomas the Train decorations, it made my heart happy that you like what you like no matter what it is. You can play with Thomas and your Princesses and Mommy loves that. You're not afraid to wear your cowboy boots with fancy dresses. You will sing and dance in public. You do all of these things because they make you happy, and you don't need the approval of others to be happy. I hope that you never feel the need to change who you are for anyone, even for Mommy. 

(3) Be a helper. This year Mommy wants to begin to help you understand that we can be helpers. To each other, to our family, to our friends, to our community, and to our world. I know you don't fully grasp the concept behind the Lottie Moon offering we've been saving, but next year you will. I want you to help Mommy pick out the gifts that we send to Operation Christmas Child. I want you to help Mommy buy the items for the Thanksgiving baskets that we put together at church. I want you to help Mommy with these things because I want you to see that even though we don't have much to give, we can still give what we have to help others. You're always so eager to help Mommy in the kitchen, with coloring our holiday decorations, and sometimes with picking up your room. I want to show you this year that even though you are young, you can make a difference to other people.

Always remember that Mommy loves you, puddin. She can't wait to see you when you get home today for all of the surprises she has planned. After all, you only turn 3 once, so let's make it the best 3rd birthday ever. 


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