My year has really been divided into three segments: Pre-1D Day, 1D Day, and Post-1D Day. When my TX bestie and I bought tickets to see One Direction in Houston, it was a surreal moment for me. It never seemed real to me, even though I had the tickets printed out and on our ticket board in the office. As the tickets slowly worked their way down, there were a few hiccups along the path to the awesome summer that we had planned. Those hiccups had be nervous about 1D Day.
1D Day started off not like any other. TX bestie challenged me to use all of 1D's songs in tweets between the time I woke up and the time we left for the concert. It was a tall order, but it was also a lot of fun. The ride to Houston was spent belting out the set list at the top of our lungs (yes, we found the set list online and made ourselves cds to know exactly what we were going to hear at the concert.)
When we got to the hotel to check-in, it seemed as if our night as going to be even more awesome than I thought. However, the room we were assigned to was still being cleaned. The housekeeping staff didn't speak English, and we didn't speak Spanish, but it seemed as if they weren't in a hurry to finish cleaning our room. We just wanted to put our stuff down and have a few drinks before heading over to the concert. We were placed in a new room and continued with our game plan.
As we were walking to the concert, I was nervous about our tickets being legit. TX bestie and I work in ticketing, so we know the dangers of purchasing tickets, especially for an event such as this one, via third party sites. I think both of us were holding out breath until our tickets scanned and we knew we were in. WE WERE GOING TO SEE ONE DIRECTION LIVE!!!! Once it hit, that realization hit, and my excitement finally hit an all time high.
After people watching and showing our age by wondering why children were allowed to wear some of the outfits they were wearing, and why some children were there unsupervised, we made our way inside the stadium. All the way up to the nosebleeds, to Section 511.
However, when we went to our seats, there was someone in them. This woman admitted that she and her daughter were in the wrong seats, but were unwilling to move. I went to get the usher, who was also unwilling to move them. As someone who is in charge of ushers at our event, we know it is their job to move people who are in the wrong seats. (Our seats were on the first row of the section, so for nosebleed seats, they were pretty awesome.) The usher told me that Section 511, was actually Section 512. I brought her to the aisle between our section and showed her the labeling on the aisle:
Our usher told me that this was incorrect, and that the side on the right (Section 510) was actually Section 511 and the side on the left (Section 511) was actually Section 512. SERIOUSLY?! This usher tried to tell me that the entire stadium was labeled incorrectly. I shut down because it wasn't going to be pretty if I didn't, and my TX bestie took up the fight with the usher. After demanding a supervisor, we realized that there were 15-20 people in our same position, people who were in our seats because the usher had sat people in the wrong section. This woman honestly believed the stadium was mislabeled and was unwilling to move all of the people who were in the wrong seats because she was the one who had sat them there. The supervisor got another usher to move people out of the incorrect seats, so we were able to have our awesome front row nosebleed seats.
These people just moved to the seats behind us and we made a point to stand the entire time. However, they were moved from those seats as well. After watching them be moved four times, I began to feel sorry for this woman's teenage daughter. It has to be humiliating to just accidentally sit in someone's seats and then be moved, but to purposely sit in other people's seats and then have an usher come and move you multiple times has to be even more humiliating. As ticket people, we can't understand why people don't just sit in the seats they purchased, or at least wait until half way through an event to attempt to move to better seats.
The concert was worth every penny and all of the trouble. Even though I had to watch Louis (I mean One Direction) either like this:
Or like this:
The frustrations were worth it. We both agreed that we would probably never see them on a stadium tour again. Stadium tours just aren't really our thing. We were both glad that we made the decision to attend the concert. It was a great way to end our summer, and enjoy our last free weekend before our sport schedule begins. There were pictures taken, and video clips shot, but I went into this weekend with my new motto of make more memories, take less pictures, and I don't regret anything.
Louis singing "Little Things"