Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Prepping for 2015 - Adventure #3

Every year, I always make a resolution to read at least one book a month. However, that goal is not making any dent in my Kindle library.

See, I have a slight addiction to downloading free Kindle books.

My TX bestie found this 2015 Reading Challenge by Pop Sugar and we're both committed to trying it. This is way better than a list of books to read because it helps me work down my Kindle list, while forcing me to branch out of my standard book selections at the library.

Here's to a 2015 full of amazing new books, and perhaps a few old ones too.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Prepping for 2015 - Adventure #2

My second New Year's Adventure for 2015 is one that I have been trying for a few years now and have been failing miserably at. I've always had a goal of putting more money in my savings account. At the end of the year, I want to add $500 to my savings.

As of now, I've only managed to put $300 in savings each year, but that gets taken out to cover my renter's insurance for the year. I have a little over one month's pay in savings, but I know that soon I will need a new car, so I need to start putting more money in savings.

There are many things that I spend money on each year that are unnecessary. I spend WAY too much money on fast food. I'm going to try to relive my Year of the Budget in order to add more money into my saving's account.

I found a saving plan on Pinterest and I look forward to trying this. The plan involves saving $1 per week, with the amount increasing by $1 each week. However, I like how this plan mentions starting at $52 a week and working your way down to $1 a week.

There are many places you can find this printable online, if you are like me and need a printable version to stay accountable, but here is an example:

The reasoning behind saving in reverse order is that is that most people lose motivation as the amounts get higher. This has been my problem. I tend to give up before April hits because I can't see how I can put that much money in savings. I think I'll stay on track better if I can see the amount that I'm having to put in the account decreasing each month. I'll feel that by the time I have enough free time to have a life, I won't be putting all of my spending money into my savings account.

Here's to getting thrifty, tightening the purse strings, and adding more money into my savings account in 2015!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Prepping for 2015 - Adventure #1

Each day this week, I'll be sharing with you my adventures for 2015. Most people call them resolutions, but I prefer to think of them as yearly adventures.

I'm starting with the one that won't come as a surprise to anyone, because it's one that most people make. My first adventure for 2015, is a Fitness Adventure. I've dropped all but 10 pounds of the weight I gained 3 years ago when I had kiddo. However, I fluctuate between the weight I was at and the weight I am now.

When I got pregnant, I was on a Fitness Adventure. I was knocked up 2 weeks before my first (and only) half marathon, and nobody but me knew that I ran it while pregnant. I had lost 60 pounds, and then gained most of it back when I was pregnant with poor eating habits and a lax workout plan.

I've made a plan for 2015. Much to my surprise, it didn't take me long to get a tentative plan in place for the entire year. Between the free workout resources that I've been using online, and the collection of workout DVDs I've accumulated over the year, this year should be an interesting one.

I've decided to start the year off with the Pop Pilates for Beginners calendar at Blogilates. (Click on the calender below to see what it's all about!) I've been dabbling with some of Cassey's videos for over a year now. I LOVE her Bikini Blaster workouts and her Pop Challenges are perfect for when I don't have a whole lot of time and just want to get my move on. (It's hard to listen to Call Me Maybe without squatting now!) Anywho, here is what I'll be starting next Sunday. (I finish this week up with Jessica Smith and then I'll move on.)

I plan to use this blog more as an accountability tool for myself as I go through this new Fitness Adventure. Each week I'll post updates on how my progress is going, and each month will have updates on my stats. This is going to be more revealing than I would like, but I need the accountability to stay on track.

My goal for this adventure is to get into "Onederland" as they call it on The Biggest Loser. However, I would be satisfied with just being in the onderland state of mind. I want to feel strong and confident in my body again. Here's to Fitness Adventure 2015!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week In Review

I'm back to a place with regular access to phone and internet service, and I can't say that I'm excited about that. It was nice to be disconnected from the world for a bit. I spent the time away focusing on what I'd like to accomplish personally next year. God also really used to that time away from distractions to speak to me (through Veggie Tales, of all things).

This week you'll be reading all about my big plans for 2015, but until then, here's our weekly recap!

While we waited for Santa, kiddo had a few activities to keep her focused on what was ahead. She kept saying that Santa wasn't going to visit her because she didn't want him to visit her. She wanted Rudolph to bring her any gifts that she was getting.

Because of this, we made some reindeer food to leave in the yard for Rudolph. I also made her leave some cookies for Santa, just in case Rudolph couldn't get into the house and Santa had to leave the gifts.

We also made some cupcakes to celebrate celebrate Jesus' birthday. We didn't make enough icing to ice them all, but kiddo made sure they all had enough sprinkles to make them festive.

The highlight of Christmas for kiddo was unwrapping gifts. Sure, she loved what she got. She just had more fun unwrapping EVERY gift under the tree.

Hanukkah gifts of gilt and books from my Gay Jewish Boyfriend, W! 

The food processor was a gift for my brother. 

Santa came to visit kiddo in Louisiana. This is where she got the one, and only thing, that she asked Santa for. A Rudolph toy. (Along with other stuff...small selection shown below)

Santa also had to leave a few things in Texas, just in case kiddo was there for the holidays! (Santa shops year round and this year, Santa bought more than Santa realized.)

When you get older, sometimes you don't really want gifts. Since I'm trying to get rid of the clutter over 2015, my gifts were mostly cash to put into savings. (THANK YOU!) I did get a few little gems though:

I love blackberries. I love blackberry preserves. I love blackberry preserves from the Loveless. Great gift choice by my folks. 

Ever since Raising Cane's started the Cane's puppies at Christmas, Santa has always brought me one. Now that I have a child, Santa didn't feel I needed both of the puppies this year. I reminded Santa that I no longer have a complete set, and therefore, I must work until retirement age instead of relying on the money I would make from selling a complete set. I guess when you're in your 30s, sometimes Santa thinks you can take care of yourself. I'm still happy Santa brought me one. :) 


Kiddo says apples > candy              Block tables are awesome!

Princess karaoke fun

She said my shirt needed buttons          Christmas Spirit in the house!

Gift from our cousins

Picnic with friends           "Do you want to draw a snowman?"


1) Make 2 new recipes
I didn't do any cooking this week since I was back at my parent's house. I did help kiddo bake some cookies, but nothing major. 

2) Read 2 books 
I was able to finish a couple of books while I was at home for the holidays. One was part of a series, and I ended up getting the second book as well. (I'm hooked and am trying not to let myself get sucked into the third!) I also finished up a small devotion like book based on Christmas carols. I tend to find one of these each Christmas, and I love them!


3) Complete the #Quickfit Holiday Challenge from Jessica Smith
Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 completed! I'm ready to finish this last week strong before starting my Fitness Adventure of 2015! (More on that to come later.) 

4) Complete 2 crafts 
Helped kiddo with some of her crafting this week.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Week In Review

Well, I'm about to head back home to Louisiana. Where I'm from in Louisiana, there is very limited cell phone service and internet access. My brother and I have different opinions on this. He hates it, but I love it. I enjoy being able to unplugged, even if it's just for a week. It's something I need to make more of an effort to do when I have the access to technology.

I'll be back in a week, but until then, here's our weekly recap!

Kiddo received a few different items in her Piglet stocking this week. She even got a little something to wear to the basketball game she attended on Friday. (Don't worry, the books still made an appearance!) 

Kiddo loves going to the basketball game at the college I work at. She LOVES our mascot, and sometimes I think she loves him a little too much because she has a hard time sharing him with other fans. She got to go to two games this week, but since I was working one of those, we only got a few pictures from the game on Friday.

My co-worker and I were responsible for putting on our office holiday party, and it was a complete success! We were concerned about not having enough food since it was a potluck, but we had plenty of food left over. Our simple decorations also went over extremely well. All I managed to take pictures of was one of the dishes that I brought. You can tell I worked hard on this one, right?

I've always wanted to go see the Christmas lights at the local botanical garden during the holidays. Kiddo's Mexican family has a restaurant close to there, so we had dinner with them and then went to see the lights. I learned from this that kiddo is not a fan of crowds, so these activities may not happen too often, but we had fun in spite of the few meltdowns. 

Bubbles!                                 Frosty at Raising Cane's

Christmas Trees                           Playing with play-doh

Drawing snowmen                         Holiday milkshakes

Kiddo requested pic                          Looking at her map


1) Make 2 new recipes
I found the most amazing crockpot chicken spaghetti recipe! Momma B was even impressed and took a copy of the recipe home with her because she claims it taste JUST like one that she spent hours making.

2) Read 2 books 
I didn't finish any books this week. Instead, I focused on finding a reading challenge for 2015.   

3) Complete the #Quickfit Holiday Challenge from Jessica Smith
Weeks 1, 2 and 3 completed! I plan to finish week 4 today before leaving for the holidays where I'll have limited access to internet/phones. 

4) Complete 2 crafts