Thursday, December 11, 2014

Baked Spaghetti

Holy cow! It's almost been a week since I posted! I promised myself I would do better about posting more regularly, but this month has been crazy busy. I've tried to focus more on making the memories with kiddo, and blogging about them later. Except Christmas updates probably into the month of January (sorry!). 

Back to the task at hand...

Today's adventure in cooking involves a recipe that I found on Pinterest. (Story of my life lately) I was planning to make this for the boy when he came over to help me decorate for Christmas. Since unfortunate circumstance led him back home, I thought "why not make it for myself?" So I did. 

It all started by seeing this picture online: 

Baked Spaghetti
(Click on the pic for the actual recipe from The Gunny Sack!) 

It looks good, right? It's also spaghetti, and even I can make spaghetti! (Granted I didn't learn until I was well into my 20s through Project Gorilla initiated by my brother, but that's another story for another day.)

I laid out all of the ingredients. By my brother's standards, I cheated by using jar sauces and frozen meatballs, but being a single working mom, I full support the semi-homemade method of cooking. (Score one for jarred sauces!)

Simple enough so far. Make spaghetti, stir in Alfredo sauce.  Easy peasy! 

Part of me really wanted to make something in these, so that's why this recipe was so appealing. I ate one that day, and then froze the others for dinner for the family later on. 

Baked spaghetti is so lovely when you take it out of the oven. 

Meatballs in marinara sauce. Who can resist? 

Ignore the not so beautiful plating of the dish. BUT CHECK OUT THE FANCY DISH I BUSTED OUT FOR THE OCCASION! 

I shouldn't have eaten that whole thing in one sitting, but I did. It was the perfect "OMG I'm unexpectedly single and I know it's for the best but I need to eat my feelings anyway" dish. The family had the leftovers later (except for kiddo who only wanted queso for dinner that night) and it was well received again. Mama and Papa B both approved. I've been told this can be added to the menu rotation on a regular basis. 

B-Family Rating: 

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