Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Funday?

Well, today I ended up with an unexpected day off. The weather was very bad this morning, but I thought it was just some bad rain. I decided that I would leave for work a little after 7am to make sure that I got there on time. I learned pretty quickly that there were flash flood warnings in our area, and once I finally made it to the exit for work, I knew my small car would not make it through that water to get to the office. So, I turned my car around and headed back home. When I got back home at 7:45 (the weather made my normal 20 minute round trip drive ALOT longer), I got the call that campus was closed due to the weather. I was slightly frustrated, but at least I'm home and safe!

I don't do well with unexpected days off, so I figured I'd give you the five fun things that I plan to do with my impromptu day off:


(1) Get my reality tv on!
(Binge watch 19 Kids and Counting.) I've NEVER seen this show! (I know! A reality show that I've never seen!) I just finished reading their book 20 and Counting, and noticed that some of the seasons are on Netflix. I figured since I had some extra time off today, I may as well get a little binge watching on, starting with season 1.

(2) Get my craft-y on!
(Pinterest ideas for kiddo's birthday party.) Kiddo's birthday is in September, and her party will be in October. The theme is going to be Thomas the Tank Engine. (Her favorite!) Since my life is about to get really busy with our sports seasons starting up next fall, so I want to make a least of things I need to get and ideas in advance so I can pull this off. :)

(3) Get my read on!
With getting a library card and getting rid of cable, I've spent most of my time reading. In fact, today is the first day I've indulged in some TV watching in a long time. I do plan to take a break and crack open my last two library books, one from Dave Ramsey and one on ways to use Twitter.

(4) Get my sweat on!
I'm going to try and get an extra workout in if I can. If not, I'll at least get in my workout that I had planned for today. Today is flexibility training, but maybe I'll add in an extra cardio session to help fill my time.

(5) Get my planning on!
I'm going to use this time to finalize my menu plan for August, and also plan my goals for the month of August. I'm a major planner, so I find things like this relaxing.

Hope everything has their own Friday Funday!

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