I got sucked into My Five Wives. It was ok, but after seeing Sister Wives I had higher expectations. I guess my heart and my brain was having a hard time accepting another reality tv polygamist family into my life since I already had one that I loved and wanted back on my tv. At first, I didn't really think that I had gotten anything out of the show, but I the more I look back on my opinions of the show this season, the more I realize that it reinforced to me how there are some things that you know but don't necessarily want to know or think about.
When your husband is married to 4 other women, you know that they are intimate together. The topic of their sex life came up more often than I expected on the show and the wives were all in agreement that they weren't naive enough to think he wasn't being intimate with the other wives, both emotionally and physically, but it's not something they really want details on. Nobody was really wanting to compare sex lives, and one wife even said that while she knew it was going on that she didn't like to think about it. I totally get where she's coming from on that one.
In a similar, although no where near identical, vein, my boyfriend has two very close female friends that he has no hesitation about telling them that he loves them. He does this in person, over text, via social media, etc. It's not something that he'll say often, but he will say it. He has no problem declaring his love for them for others to see. I understand that he loves them as friends, and that it's a different kind of love than the love he has for me, but it still bothered me to think about it. It bothered me even more to see him expressing it, and this week I made a tough decision.
I decided, for my sanity and the good of our relationship, to unfollow my boyfriend on Twitter. I realized that I had some to a position that these wives had all reached and overcome at some point in their relationships with Brady. I know that he loves these women as friends, but I don't need to see him telling them that he loves them. I have to give my boyfriend some credit for severely toning down his flirting because I told him that I don't want to see it. I know asking him to stop these interactions with two of his closest friends isn't an option to still be in this relationship. Honestly, I'm 98% sure that he only loves them as friends. (I would say 100%, but the last time I felt that way, a guy I was moving across the country for left me for the girl he loved as a friend.) I just know that I reached a point where I could at least, on a smaller level, relate to something that these wives have gone through. I know that, in some way, he loves them, but I have chosen not to put myself in a position to make myself even more jealous by seeing it expressed. Sometimes it's best to know, but not really know.