So, I've decided that the month of August is going to be my start of getting organized. I know most people would start in January, but what fun is that? Why not start in the whole back to school rush? This urge to become more organized has really been a push for the kiddo getting accepted into a Mother's Day Out program. Even though she won't be 2 until September, we put her on the waiting list at a few churches in case they had an opening. The folks and I kept saying that if she gets accepted into one, then it's meant for her to go there and we'll figure out the money later. Around the middle of July, we got a phone call from the church close to me in Texas saying that they were opening an 18-month old class and asked if we were interested. We said yes, and my eyes have been open to an entirely new world. I'm not ready for the kiddo to go to school. I know it's not "really" going to school, and I know it's only two days a week but....but... what if kids are mean to her? What if my kid IS the mean one? What if she strips down for the entire class?
Once those fears were quieted, not gone completely, just quieted, it was time for paperwork and the school supply list. I've heard my friends talk about particular school supply list can be, but until I was staring at one I never realized just how particular they could get. Certain brands and certain types of products that seem to be more expensive than they are worth surrounded me. I was shocked to see that on top of the monthly tuition, I had to pay an additional supply/snack fee at the beginning of each semester that was more than my tuition for a month! I realized that it was time to get serious about saving money. I was going back on the cereal diet that I lived on in July to fit in a bridesmaids dress, only this time it was to afford for the kiddo to go to MDO. Between the amount I budgeted for bills v. the actual amount of my bills for August, I was able to have enough money left over to pay for September's tuition and first semester supply fee.
I also discovered this amazing ap for the Iphone to help keep track of your savings! It's called Unsplurge. It lets you post the goal for what you are saving for, and then as you slowly save money, it allows you to track your progress. It felt amazing to see that after my bills were taken care of that I would have enough money to pay for the kiddo's September tuition and supply fee! The ap even congratulated me for reaching my first savings goal. I've added each semester's tuition for this first semester as a goal so I can keep track of where I'm at.
One way that I feel I can save money is by menu planning. I know I've read it over and over on the saving blogs that I read (
Money Saving Mom and
Couponing to Disney are the two I follow almost religiously) talk about the importance of knowing what's in your pantry and making a meal plan from that and then sticking to it. I found another awesome ap, List Ease, that allows me to keep my pantry inventory on my phone and also allows me to keep my grocery list on their as well. I started my foray into menu planning by making a menu plan for the next 2 weeks.
See? I did a menu plan with the grocery list and everything! I got these awesome printables from Money Saving Mom!
The reason I did my menu plan for 2 weeks, is because I'm going to Houston this weekend and when I get back, I won't feel like doing a large round of grocery shopping. You can't really tell, but the only things on the grocery list side for the second week are items that I would prefer to buy fresh, such as vegetables and salad mix, the week I plan on using them. I am proud to say, that with coupons and sales, I was able to purchase (almost) everything needed for these 2 weeks for under $60. That was my goal, so I was very excited about that. I was THAT person who had my calculator out so I could make sure that I stayed within the budget I had created for myself. After today's shopping trip, I also started creating my price book so that way I know about how much money to expect to spend on my future shopping trips.
Extreme Couponing Moment!
I noticed that Walgreens was having a sale on their 4 pack batteries, and there was going to be a coupon in today's sale paper pricing them at 99 cents. Since the kiddo has lots of toys that require batteries, and our battery box is getting low, I felt that it was worth going to Walgreens and picking some of them up. I also noticed in the sale paper that there was a coupon for Hershey bars for 49 cents a piece. (Both of these coupons had a limit of 4) I had a coupon for 75 cents off of 2 3 Muskateers. Since my dad loves them, and Walgreens had them 2 for $1.75, I added them to my small basket of stuff. I walked up to the register with my balance rewards card and my coupons and the cashier said, "Oh, you're an extreme couponer, aren't you?" I turned and looked behind me and realized she was actually talking to me, I laughed and said, "Not extreme, but I'm working at it." She was as impressed as I was with how everything turned out. After sales and coupons, I got 4 packs of batteries, 4 Hershey bars and 2 3 Muskateers bars for $5.41. The total savings (balance rewards/store coupons/manufacturer's coupons) was $16.33. Not really an extreme couponing moment, but an exciting surprise to see a 77% savings on the bottom of my receipt.
Couponing Gold! |